GALVANÝZ / 4mm /

Tutar / Price :

Teknik Resim / Technical Picture

Ürün Kodu / Barcode : 6660274
Kutu Ýç Adet / Full Packet Quantity : 30 Adet
Kutu Kg / Weight/Unit : 16,5 Kg
Metaryal / Material : GALVANÝZ
Uzunluk / Length :
Fonksiyon / Function : New high tec bearing plates made of high-tension steel with a keen design of reinforcement ribs.
Kalýnlýk / Thickness : 4mm
Galvaniz / Galvanised : Evet / Yes
Kullaným / Usage : Endüstriyel / Industrual
Kullanýlabilirlik / Availability : FFEU